Add FTP to WordPress settings to update plugins

Sometimes we encounter a problem in WordPress when updating plugins and it asks for our FTP data to update plugins. Normally it is enough to enter that data in the window to solve the error, but entering it every time you want to update is annoying.

To avoid this we can edit the wp-config.php file that is in the root of our WordPress installation. We enter via FTP, download the file and edit it to add the following lines:

/* Informacion de FTP (Para eliminar las peticiones constantes de contraseña al actualizar los plugins) */

define(\”FTP_HOST\”, \”direccionFTP\”);
define(\”FTP_USER\”, \”usuarioFTP\”);
define(\”FTP_PASS\”, \”contraseñaFTP\”);

Then we save the file, upload it and that’s it. It will never ask us for data again, neither to update plugins nor for the WordPress core.

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