Frequent questions
How to open a ticket for technical support
How to open a ticket for technical support
To create a support ticket, go to your hosting website:
- Click the Open Ticket menu
- Now, select the appropriate department related to your inquiry
- Technical Support: open ticket for technical support related queries
- VPS Hosting: open ticket for VPS related queries
- Administration Department: Open Ticket for Queries related to Administration
- Abuse Department: open ticket for abuse-related queries
- Sales Department: Open Ticket for Sales Related Inquiries
3. After selecting an appropriate department, the following screen will appear. Enter the requested details on this page to submit a support ticket
- Your name and email address are filled in automatically
- Enter the appropriate subject related to your inquiry
- In the above screen, if you have not chosen the appropriate department for your inquiry, you can also choose the appropriate department from here
- In the Related Service dropdown box, choose a service for which you are raising a support ticket. This is optional, you can also select None.
- From Priority, you can choose the priority of your support ticket
- In Message, write your current query in detail
- If you want to send us files or images related to your problem, you can attach them here (Allowed file extensions: .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .jpeg, .png, .tiff, .zip, .doc, .docx, .txt, .rtf, .crt, .pfx, .xls, .xlsx, .bak, .sql, .pdf, .csv, .p7b). The maximum file size limit for your attachment must be 5MB.
- When you’re ready, click the Submit button. You have now successfully submitted a support ticket and a confirmation email has been sent to you with the ticket number and details.Ā